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What is Transformative Recovery & Fitness?

Transformative Recovery and Fitness is a comprehensive mind, body and spirit approach to not only excellent physical health, but mental and emotional wellness as well. 

Whether your goal is weight loss, stress management, addiction recovery, cardiovascular improvement, or athletic growth, the TR&F system provides a sustainable approach to lifelong health and mindfulness. 

Combining intense workouts with active recovery techniques on off days enables the development of effective but realistic lifelong habits. 

Transformative Recovery and Fitness is not a traditional cookie-cutter personal fitness program. It is an immersive lifestyle coaching system that is customized to your individual needs and goals.


Behavior Modification Through Fitness

Develop Good Habits

Break any bad habit:
diet, substance abuse, alcohol, smoking,


Lets get rid of anything that stands between you and your goals.

No judgement. I myself have let go of many vices that were limiting my own

potential by focusing that stress and energy into personal fitness.  It’s a

continual lifelong process and I myself am still breaking some of my own

bad habits.

Taking the energy you
spend on bad habits and channeling that 
into fitness, meal prep, healthy living, muscle building, daily

structure, goals, etc.

Fitness/muscle building routines take a lot of energy and consistency. It

requires structure and routine—all of which keep you out of trouble and

give you something positive to focus your time on.

Core Values

The philosophy of Transformative Recovery and Fitness (TR&F) is not focused around teaching you the intricacies of different movements of exercises. It’s a combination of understanding your own mentality/limitations and breaking them down in order to learn how to transform your mindset into a consistent, tactical routine of avoiding bad habits and building a stronger mind and body.

Peering into the Woods

Create a clear lifelong mindset, discover your true potential without the negative behaviors, while building a new healthy lifestyle that includes muscle building, fitness and mental wellbeing.

Physical fitness comes from true mental fitness, which requires consistency and dedication.

That dedication creates a true Mind-Muscle Connection, which we will build together.



Frank Warchulski


My Passions:

  •  Fitness, muscle and strength building

  •  Health & mindfulness

  •  Addiction Recovery support

  •  Breaking bad habits

  •  Cognitive behavior & personal fitness

  •   Developing healthy coping mechanisms

  •   Living a healthy lifestyle

My Experience:

  •  Behavioral Science degree, UofM - Dearborn

  •  Certified Personal Trainer

  •  Peer Recovery certification

  •  7 years working in a professional setting           with patients with behavioral issues &              substance abuse

  •  Athletics transitioned to weight training

  •  15 years weight training experience

Programs & Pricing


Grunge Texture

   "Making it into the gym everyday can be a challenge for me.  Having a new baby has expanded my family responsibilities and sometimes pushes me further away from my fitness goals.  But Frank's enthusiasm for life and fitness has repeatedly been an inspiration. When I lack determination to get to the gym, I often consider that Frank is already there, and he may even be working up his second sweat of the day. He has given me advice on quick but effective routines to get the job one when I'm short on time."

                  - Cody Steffes, age 32

                          CRNA & new father

Grunge Texture

“After a major health challenge, I needed to completely revamp my diet and approach to fitness. TR&F and Frank's personal coaching and encouragement helped to get my life back on track.”

                  - John Walker, age 64

                        Working professional      


Phone: (734) 752-6077

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